Tour Management

With the scope of businesses spreading across geographical areas, employees need to be on the field more frequently. AccuPAY has an effective tour management module that can help your HR department make sure your employees can have access to claims smoothly after their tours. The system ensures that tour claims are disbursed smoothly and with proper proofs. This module also has integration with the web based employee self service. A request for tour can be made and the needed approval can be given through the system. The tour management module can help the HR have a complete idea of where the employees are and what is the purpose of the tour.
- Sending tour request from the ESS directly
- Maintain details such as travel class, travel mode, date and places of travel, project for which the tour is being undertaken, and the cost center
- Approvals can be made to the tour request
- Maintain tour claims related to tour ID
- Maintain type of tour expenses and amounts
- Approval of claims
- Maintain the tour postings of employees
- Set the maximum limits for various imprest types and link them with tours
- Specify the impurest type for each employee on tour posting
- Maintain the outstanding and the pending amount of impurest for each employee
- Manage employees better even while they are on tour
- Ensure easy and quick settlements of claims
- Optimize employee spending on tours