Attendance Management

For an organization a monitoring system is required for the employees. Monitoring requires timely updates from employees and thus becomes cumbersome at times both for the HR and the employees. AccuPAY has an efficient attendance management module that ensures that you can keep a track of the attendance of your employees in a smooth manner. Sometimes explicit monitoring tools can have a discouraging impact on your employees. The attendance management module is such that the attendance activity does not hamper the daily activities of your employees. The module includes approval of attendance, manual entry of attendance or importing directly from the punch report. You can also view the monthly attendance report of a person as per his designation, department location and organizational level.
- Create attendance groups
- Define tolerance limits for early going and late coming
- Define limits in terms of the minutes allowed, number of occurrences
- Monitor the attendance status of each employee for a particular day. Attendance status includes full leave, half leave, weekly off, compensatory off etc
- Enter the in and out time for employees to calculate total working hours
- View the attendance approval status of an employee
- Approve the attendance for an employee
- Import punch reports for each day from external sources
- View monthly attendance reports for each employee
- Record attendance as per shift settings
- Define shift settings for the shift timings and the break times
- Create shift rotation for number of weeks desired
- Assign shift and attendance groups to employees
- Create reason master for manual attendance
- Smooth and efficient attendance monitoring
- Improved management of employee records
- Reduce errors and increase the accuracy
- Single database for attendance of all the employees
- Make attendance taking hassle free for your HR
- Reduce duplication by import function