Leave Management

Applying for leaves, waiting for approvals, crediting of leaves and all such related tasks usually involve a lot of paperwork and form filling. An employee has to keep track of the application and the HR department needs to keep track of all the leaves availed by a particular employee in a particular period of time. AccuPAY streamlines all these activities to make leave management a smoother task for the HR as well as the employee. It is a comprehensive module that can track all the stages of a leave application and record entries in the required manner. The leave management module in AccuPAY consists of activities such as approval of leave applications, entry for leaves availed and leaves credited etc. You can also record the opening balances of leaves along with leave auto credit and debit entries.
- Manual entry for employee leave availed along with date wise details
- Approval of leaves
- Leave credit entry and updating of current balance of leaves
- Leave auto credit and debit entry directly from the ESS
- Consider excess leaves as loss of pay
- Allotment of leaves only after the prescribed time period
- Maintain leave encashment
- Better co ordination with employees for leaves
- Identify problem areas through reports
- Improve efficiency of the individual, department through leave tracking
- Formulate standard procedures for leave management